Monday, March 20, 2017

SOL #12 Summer School

     Before school ended I got a form saying if I want to go to summer school. At first I was like no maybe I shouldn't go to summer school. But then I remembered my friend Samra will be going to he summer. I would be alone. So I started to think about it and I finally changed my mind and said yes to summer school. Summer school only 7am to 12. It's short. I didn't know who was going to summer school. But st least I get to distract myself. When I went to the open house for summer school. I saw my favorite teacher, Mr.Delacroche (I don't know how to spell his name) he is a very nice teacher. There was posters up on the wall and I saw my best friend Marisol and Johnathans name on there. I was happy because I'm not going to be alone in summer school. First day of summer school was very great. I got to meet a lot of people. I loved how I get to wake up in the morning and see the bright sun. Then I get to come back home with a very bright sun. One day we got to do a competition and my table won. Mr.Bulster gave us ( Table mates) one of those big chocolate bar.


  1. That's good that you went

  2. At least you weren't lonely

  3. Was the chocolate good?😂☺

  4. Is it terrible hot and sweaty in the rooms?
